Monday, December 27, 2010

2011 - What kind of New Year will it be?

Wow, almost a whole year since I have written in my Blog - and it makes me ponder, why did I do it in the first place, why have I not written in 9 months and why do I want to continue?  As I work through those questions, I will write...and this week the most immediate consideration is that it is New Year's week.

My first inclination was to title this "Happy New Year" but then I questioned is that really what I would want to wish someone.  Some other options might be...a peaceful new year, a prosperous new year, a healthy new year...but happy, well happiness can be elusive.  I think happiness is a choice, so can I wish that you choose to be happy this year?  I guess I could.  Then maybe all the other possitives that could be a part of our lives for next year can be summed up in that choice to be happy in our circumstances.  We may not find 2011 to be prosperous - certainly a lot of people did not find 2010 to be so.  And such things as peace - well, is that peace in your own mind, peace in your family, your work, our country, our world?  Then considering health, mental health or physical health? 

The apostle Paul said he was content in whatsoever state he was in.  He could say that because he believed that God was in control and nothing happened to him that God did not allow and would see him through.  His confidence was not in what he alone could do, what others might do but in God that would do.

So, I guess what I wish for my friends and family and anyone reading this blog at this coming New Year that you have a God filled year.  Let go and let God.  Choose contentment over happiness, or prosperity, health or peace.  I believe we will find that when we choose God, we will not be looking for outside things or people to make us happy, to bring us prosperity, to take care of our health or to bring peace to our lives.  Why would we ask the imperfect to try to do what Perfection can do? 

Choose God this New Year - there really is nothing better I can wish for, for any of us, than that. 

So...a God filled New Year to all of you

1 comment:

grandmarockton said...

THANK YOU, and back at you! hope to hear more from you in the future!