Saturday, March 6, 2010

Re-using time?

The concept of recycling is concerving by using something over again and saving resources.

The one thing I can't recycle is wasted time.

Of course only I can personally decide if the time I have used was wasted. I think my time is only wasted when I spend it doing something that is not a priority. Don't get me wrong, even rest and thought and time to contemplate are a priority to me. It's only wasted time if I didn't use it the way I wanted to use it. Oh you know, that "I am the master..." thing. Well, I am the master of my time and no one else.

I choose how I am going to spend my time even when there are things happening all around me, people and projects calling to me. When I feel like I am running around keeping plates spinning on sticks and they are all about to fall if I don't run and keep up. Sometimes the best thing is to let a plate fall - sometimes that is the best use of my time.

I know that I had better be the one to choose because I can't get these moments back and re-use them differently. They don't belong to anyone else, they belong to me. I can however use those "wasted" moments to learn for the next time, how better to use them. So, maybe they aren't wasted at all. They can become learning moments...if I choose. I'll know next time if that was productive huh?

Well, as I can see from that pesky date recorded on my last blog - that which I had hoped to do weekly, became monthly. Ugh!! But, I like the "get up and dust yourself off" idea and so once again, I am going to attempt to do these blocks weekly. Time sure gets away from me....but that's for another blog!!

I finished up the block for Women of the Bible Quilt called Potipher's Wife. It is a Joseph's Coat design modification. As the story goes, Potipher's wife wanted Joseph to sleep with her and he refused to dishonor her husband (his boss) and his God and ran out of the room. She grabbed his coat off him as he left and she used it as evidence that he tried to rape her. But, as always - God is in control.

I machine pieced this one and it was some tiny pieces as it is a 6" block. It is not perfect but I'll see how much time I want to spend later, if I am going to rip it out and re-do some of it. Ah...there is that time choice again and I can't re-cycle that time I spent doing it the first time. We'll see.